Posted on: March 22nd, 2016 by Wolf TG Admin

Windows 10 EnterpriseIn late 2015, Microsoft began giving end users the ability to upgrade their PCs at home to Windows 10 free of charge. Users all around the world have rapidly become acquainted with the new desktop operating system, with many users praising Windows 10 for its ease of use, it’s elegant features, and robust methods of processing tasks.

While Windows 10 seems to have won over home users, a bigger question remains: Is Windows 10 ready for enterprise computing? To help demystify this commonly asked question, let’s break down the pros and cons of the Enterprise Edition of Windows 10.

The Pros of Implementing Windows 10 Enterprise

Microsoft has created three main versions of Windows 10: Home, Professional, and Enterprise.

If you’re thinking of implementing Windows 10, you’ll want to use the Enterprise version. The Enterprise version of Windows 10 will allow your IT staff to gain access to advanced remote administration capabilities. Consequently, the Home version of Windows 10 will not let you join the desktop PC to a domain.

With that being said, it is possible to join a Windows 10 Home version onto an Azure Active Directory deployment in the cloud. Here is a quick list of advantages that your organization can gain from implementing Windows 10 Enterprise:

  • A consistent experience across tablets, laptops, desktop PCs and mobile devices
  • Application Compatibility – Windows 10 is compatible with most legacy Windows apps
  • Real-time Malware Protection – Windows 10 has Device Guard built-in
  • Trusted Boot Up: Secure your devices using Microsoft’s Trusted Boot feature
  • The Start button – Windows 8 lacked a Start Button, which confused some users

These are some of the most noticeable enhancements of the Windows 10 Enterprise suite. It’s no secret that Windows 10 has won over the hearts of minds of tech enthusiasts all around the world; in fact, PC Magazine’s Editor Michael Muchmore awarded Windows 10 with an excellent rating, giving the new operating system 4 out of 5 stars.

The Cons of Implementing Windows 10 Enterprise

Many of the drawbacks for Windows 10 do not revolve around the software itself; the concerns arise from the impact that the new OS may have within your business environment. Unfortunately, this can lead to more questions than answers.

For example, if you have legacy or specialty hardware in your environment, what happens when there isn’t a Windows 10 driver available for this specific device? Should you run an unsupported or an unsigned driver in efforts to get the device to work properly?

This a common problem you’ll encounter whenever a new major release of an operating system is published. The good news is that Microsoft continuously updates its Windows Updates drivers library, making it easy to locate and install a hard to find driver.

Here are a few business environment concerns that you should keep in mind before making the switch to Windows 10:

  • Does your IT staff have the expertise to troubleshoot Windows 10?
  • 10 is designed for Office 365 – Are you ready to upgrade Microsoft Office?
  • Integration with Cloud Services – If you aren’t using the cloud, Windows 10 may not be able to provide your business with rich collaboration features.
  • Incompatibilities Persist: Example, those using McAfee SaaS AV Protection went several months without having a Windows 10 version.
  • Some system administrators are concerned about the network chatter between Windows 10 and Microsoft – Even with all of the privacy options enabled.
  • End User Education – Whenever new systems are introduced, end users will need to trained on how to become more productive with the new OS.

None of these factors are automatic disqualifiers, although some systems administrators have expressed concern over Microsoft storing hard drive encryption keys for Windows 10 devices in the cloud.

Is Windows 10 Enterprise Right for Your Business?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question as every organization’s journey to Windows 10 will likely have its own motivations.

The biggest motivating factors for businesses wanting to get the most out of Windows 10 Enterprise is the adoption of cloud services.

Businesses who use Office 365 will instantly gain rich collaboration features that will help your business streamline its internal processes. Apps such as SalesForce, Skype for Business, and others can be baked into your end users Windows 10 experience, which will only enhance the end user experience.

If many of the cons listed above sound like they could potentially become roadblocks, you may want to re-evaluate Windows 10 Enterprise at another time in the future.

If you think your organization could benefit from Windows 10 Enterprise, give us a call at (833) 482-6435 or click the banner below to schedule a consultation online to begin planning for the switch to Windows 10 Enterprise. As a Microsoft Partner, we look forward to hearing from you!

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