Business Continuity is a business function; Disaster Recovery is a technology function.

disaster recovery in greenville sc

Disaster Recovery

Recover from IT Business Disasters

Business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) is another popular topic always in the news. Serious disruptions can stem from Internet service outages, natural disasters, and data breaches, and having a plan in place to get your operations back up and running could be vital to its very survival.

Business Continuity refers to the preventative measures taken to ensure your organization has the ability to resume an acceptable level of operation in the event of a disruption within a reasonably short period.

Disaster Recovery refers to the strategies and plans for recovering and restoring your technological infrastructure and capabilities after a catastrophic event.

It is important to understand the scope and resources when developing a plan. Understanding the impact a disaster would have on your business will help you identify what is considered an “acceptable level of operations” for your business. Steps to completing a BC/DR plan include:

  • Complete a Business Impact Analysis
  • Explore and select recovery strategy options
  • Develop the plan
  • Conduct testing and maintenance exercises

Your Business Could Be at Risk

When is the last time you examined your company’s disaster recovery plan? If your main office was suddenly unavailable, how would your business continue to operate?

While there are many resources to help you craft a disaster recovery plan yourself, there’s really no substitute for consulting with an expert. With a plan in place, you’ll know exactly how to recover your business operations from any disruption and the approximate amount of time it will take to bring your business back online.

That’s the advantage of hiring Wolf Technology Group to help create your BC/DR plan. You’ll be able to know that your business can withstand a total loss of data and you’ll know approximately how long it would take to recover from a complete catastrophe.

With offices in Greenville, SC, and Atlanta, GA, we’re positioned to serve business’ disaster recovery needs across the Southeast. Give us a call at (833) 482-6435 or contact us online anytime.

disaster recovery services