Posted on: April 18th, 2017 by Wolf TG Admin

typewriterWhile advances in technology have certainly streamlined business processes, many organizations still utilize antiquated technologies each and everyday.

Some business objectives will require these old school devices.

Experts say that some of these antiquated technologies may not be going away anytime soon. Some of these technologies that are still in use may surprise you.

Let’s take a closer look at the following archaic technologies that are still used in today’s business settings.


Some businesses keep a typewriter on hand in order to create original documents. In some legal businesses, typewriters are essential to produce documents that are acceptable for specific municipalities. Typewriters are an anomaly, considering the fact that it is possible to edit PDF or Word documents on the fly.

Floppy Disks

Remember those 3.5″ floppy disks that were so popular in the 1990s? In 2009, Sony said that they sold 12 million floppy disks. Industrial organizations run older equipment that still uses floppy disks, which could be fueling the surprisingly strong sales. The US Government also has archived data on floppy disks, which has not yet been transferred to more modern media.

Dial Up VPNs

We’re not suggesting that businesses are using dial up internet as their main internet connection, although that may happen in certain situations. Dial up VPNs may be still be used for remote employees who travel to extremely remote locations. If only dial up internet is available, having access to a corporate dial up VPN may be practical.

VHS Tapes

vBelieve it or not, there is a business case for retaining video files on VHS tapes. Some organizations retain video records on VHS tapes, therefore they will need a VCR to play these tapes. Other businesses may have antiquated security systems that also rely on VHS tapes.


While the number of business landline subscriptions have dropped dramatically in the past decade, landlines are still in use throughout various types of businesses around the USA. Many businesses have embraced VoIP, but landlines still have a practical use, especially if a business hosts a dial up VPN connection.

1-900 Numbers

Telecommunications have been transformed over the past few decades. Most of the costs have been reduced as well. Nonetheless, some businesses still have 1-900 numbers, which require the caller to pay for the call on their phone bill. The businesses that still have 1-900 numbers often have these lines open for paid customer support.

Fax Machines

Many fax machines still use a POTS landline. With eFax services becoming such a popular and affordable alternative, it’s surprising that bulky fax machines still have a home in offices around the world. That being said, many multi functional devices include a faxing capability that is built-in. These devices also copy, collate and scan your documents.

CRT Monitors

Many businesses still use CRT monitors. Although these devices are not energy efficient, some businesses refuse to toss their CRTs and upgrade to LCD or LED monitors. CRT monitors are still commonly used with older proprietary equipment, therefore CRTs may still be used in offices and industrial settings around the globe.

The BASIC Programming Language

There are antiquated applications that run on the BASIC programming language. There are several different flavors of BASIC that are still in use today. In fact, some schools still teach BASIC as an introduction to programming. Although BASIC was first introduced in 1964, the programming language is still being used today.


Continuing with our theme of archaic telephony, the pager is a device that was used by 61 million people around the world back in 1994. Since then, SMS and other technology has replaced the pager. You might be surprised to know that hospitals and healthcare organizations still use this antiquated technology. In fact, Slate says that 85% of hospitals still use pagers today.

Summing Up These 10 Antiquated Technologies

You might find it surprising that these 10 antiquated technologies are still being used in business settings today. The biggest advances in business technology seems to be in the telecommunications field.

The overall theme is that some businesses must rely on these antiquated technologies in order to service their customers.

IT staff must be cognizant that these technologies are still being used, so that they can be prepared to properly handle or troubleshoot these devices.

In addition, if these devices are still being used, an IT consulting company could come in and help you streamline some of your internal business processes. This will help you save both time and money.

If your Greenville, SC or Atlanta, GA area business is in need of a professional consultation concerning your business, contact Wolf Technology Group today at (833) 482-6435 or fill out our form in order to get a quote for your organization’s networking needs.

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