Posted on: June 6th, 2017 by Wolf TG Admin

managed it in greenville scWhat impact do businesses face when they make the switch to managed IT services? Businesses often wonder if their operations will be impacted by putting their critical network infrastructure in the hands of a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Your business can thrive if it is able to select a qualified managed IT partner. However, if your business selects the wrong managed IT service provider, the negative experience can leave you wondering why you didn’t just hire more IT staff onsite.

Most businesses find that the best fit for their organization is to seek out a local managed service provider that is able to gain deep insights into how your business operates. This will allow your MSP to build infrastructure that streamlines your internal processes.

Managed Services Can Improve Business Operations

Contrary to popular belief, businesses can expedite many of their IT processes by utilizing the insight of an IT consultant.

When you begin using a managed service provider, you’ll likely begin working with an IT consultant who will go over your existing IT infrastructure. Your consultant will provide you with a list of upgrades and recommendations which could help optimize IT services in your environment.

If these proposals are outside your budget, your consultant can help you take a phased approach at introducing these managed services while helping you discover the cost-benefit analysis associated with each product.

Working With a Managed Service Provider

When you contract the services of a MSP, you’ll be able to acquire technical support whenever your business requires it. Most MSPs will allow you to create service tickets where you can describe your issue and attach screenshots, if needed.

If you require immediate or urgent assistance with your managed services, you can usually call your MSP to inquire about immediate help.

Integrating a managed service provider into your organization’s day to day flow is not much different from hiring a help desk crew to work with your users onsite. With a MSP, your end users will get the help that they need so that your business can continue functioning without technical interruptions.

Services Offered By Managed Service Providers

Most MSPs will provide your enterprise with a plethora of support options so that your business can pick and choose the services it needs.

Most of your local MSPs will even allow you to hire a Virtual CIO. With the services of a Virtual CIO, you can hire a trained professional to oversee your entire IT operations. This allows your business to focus on making sales, not fixing broken IT equipment.

Most MSPs offer the following IT services:

With each of these core IT services being able to be remotely administered, your business can seamlessly integrate managed IT services into your day to day business flow.

Managed vs. Onsite Support

If your organization is at a crossroads and you require additional IT support, your initial reaction might be to hire a CIO or an additional IT employee who can help your business scale out its existing IT infrastructure.

Before you embark on this journey of building a large, internal IT department, give managed IT services a chance to see if they can compete against the salaries and capital investment required to hire additional IT staff.

When you do the math, you’ll often see that acquiring managed IT services a la carte can help your business achieve its core IT objectives while simultaneously keeping technology costs at a bare minimum. Managed IT services can be a win-win for your business.

Partner With Wolf Technology Group

While we offer a variety of support plans for companies that require regular security and maintenance, we like to work closely with local Greenville, SC or Atlanta, GA area businesses like yours to help develop their technology and grow their business however they see fit. Our level of involvement can evolve your business. Just give us a call at (833) 482-6435 or click the banner below to get the IT support you need now!

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